The relationship between agoraphobia and imprisonment | health care online

Cases of phobias have increased in society with most of the society being locked at home for a few months.

It is no secret that incarceration is a serious mental health issue for many people. People find it difficult to return to normal life again. both at work and with family

Cases of phobias have increased in society with most of the society being locked at home for a few months. In relation to this type of phobia Special emphasis must be placed on two groups, Both children and adults

Is it normal to suffer from agoraphobia?

Being incarcerated is not easy for anyone. Therefore, it is normal to suffer from certain mental problems such as agoraphobia.

The first thing to mention is agoraphobia. It is one of the most common phobias in society.

Incarceration is not easy for anyone.

This is an exaggerated fear of going out into the open. People with agoraphobia think bad things can happen to them when they leave their home.

In case you have any symptoms that may indicate that you have this phobia, It is important to see a specialist who knows how to diagnose such phobias.

The relationship between agoraphobia and imprisonment

Initially, phobias should not be a serious psychological problem for those who suffer from them and receive adequate treatment. It is possible to overcome the fear associated with confinement..

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Fear is often behind such phobias. and the constant bombardment of news surrounding the famous coronavirus. This makes them feel insecure and in constant danger. When out in the open.

Seeing someone close to you lose is one of the reasons why many people lose. People suffer from this type of phobia. All of this contributes to suffering. Fear and nervousness when having to see oneself in the open.

What to do if you suffer from agoraphobia due to confinement?

If you know someone who has had a fear like this in the past few months, It is good to follow these tips. : :

  • It is good to sit with the speaker and listen to him speak.
  • Don’t forget to give advice and be as compassionate as possible.
  • There is no need to overwhelm him. You need to give him space so that little by little he can go out into the street without feeling anxious or afraid.

Children and agoraphobia

There are many children who also have this phobia. Spending too much time at home makes them anxious about going out when it’s time to return to normal. These are children who interact with other children for too long through social networks and who spend long periods of time watching TV or playing video games.

Don't hesitate to see a specialist to help treat your child's phobia.Don’t hesitate to see a specialist to help treat your child’s phobia.

Now when we go out into the street Children of this type are very anxious and afraid of going out in the open.Causes the fear symptoms mentioned above. Moreover, having to wear a mask and not being able to get close to others only increases this fear.

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This type of phobia can cause minor symptoms such as: such as rapid heartbeat, vomiting, stomach pain, or sweating.. Therefore it is a rather serious matter that must be dealt with quickly. Don’t hesitate to see a specialist to help treat your child’s phobia.

In summary, it is normal for some people to suffer from fear when going outside. Especially children and the elderly. For this reason, it is recommended to allow time for the person to overcome the phobia and treat it appropriately.

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