Varicocele: treatment and diagnosis | health care online

treatment and diagnosis

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This condition occurs when a blockage of a vein in the testicle causes a lump that may cause no symptoms or cause pain and a risk of infertility.

Varicocele is a disease of the scrotum that occurs when one of the veins in the skin that supports the testicles is blocked.

Most are conditions that cause no external or internal symptoms and therefore do not require treatment.. However, there are cases when the varicocele enlarges and becomes more visible. Causes swelling of one testicle. This is usually the left side.

This condition usually occurs in men between the ages of 15 and 25, and the severity of the disease is mild. This problem occurs when testicular atherosclerosis occurs in elderly men. This is because it may be a symptom of a larger condition, such as a tumor in the scrotum that is blocking normal blood flow.

Symptoms of varicose veins

In most cases This condition does not cause any symptoms. Although there are cases in which the patient may experience such symptoms.

Sensation of a mass in the scrotal area or even palpation of a lump.You may experience pain of varying intensity that gets worse over time. Abnormal development of the testicles, including shrinkage, can be directly related to this disease, which is the same thing that happens with infertility due to low production or poor quality sperm.


It is a condition that mostly does not appear outside of a varicocele. It is usually diagnosed when a patient undergoes a fertility evaluation or during a routine physical exam. During a visit to a urologist During this physical examination The doctor will ask the patient to lie down or stand still. and will touch the groin area as well as the scrotum and testicles to find lumps. Because if it’s big enough, it will be noticeable. easily. .

During this physical examination The doctor will ask the patient to lie down or stand.

Otherwise, your urologist will use the Valsalva maneuver – take a deep breath. Then continue to hold your breath while squeezing your abdomen – this will cause the veins to expand and allow you to feel the lump.

After the physical examination Your doctor will ask for other tests, such as an ultrasound or scrotal ultrasound. To confirm or distinguish that this lump exists. in last place

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The patient will undergo a blood test and semen analysis. To see if varicocele causes changes in fertility.

This condition usually causes no symptoms and resolves on its own. Even if changes in the testicles or fertility occur. Surgery is required for treatment. When making a diagnosis, the urologist must also determine the degree of varicocele, for which 3 stages are known:

  • Grade 1: The mass is small so it cannot be felt unless there is increased intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Grade 2: The lump is of medium size. The urologist can easily feel it without increasing pressure on the abdominal area.
  • Grade 3: The lump is large and both the patient and the doctor can see with the naked eye whether there is a lump or expansion in the area without the need for physical examination.

Treatment of varicose veins

When the symptoms are mild and do not show signs of pain or infertility It’s normal for it to go away on its own.. In doing this Your doctor may prescribe medication. vasoconstrictor And use tight undergarments or tight pants to elevate the affected area and relieve any symptoms that may occur.

This condition usually causes no symptoms. This condition usually causes no symptoms.

On the other hand, when varicose veins cause pain, testicular inflammation or a risk of infertility. Doctors will recommend that patients undergo surgery to correct the disease. This can take many different forms and will involve The affected vein is tied to allow blood to flow into the working vein. Correctly, the types of surgery to treat varicocele are:

It is highly recommended to enter the operating room.It is highly recommended to enter the operating room.
  • open surgery or varicocelectomy : It is the most popular method and uses local or general anesthesia. The doctor will make an incision in the abdomen or groin. and use tools such as a microscope or Doppler ultrasound To navigate blocked veins and repair symptoms It is not a very complicated surgical intervention as it does not take too long and Within 24 hours, the patient will be discharged from the hospital.In addition, complications after surgery are minimal. And you can usually live your normal life within a few weeks after surgery.
  • Laparoscopic surgery: In the case where the patient falls asleep from anesthesia The doctor will insert a telescope through the abdomen. With the help of this small and non-invasive tool The doctor will be able to see the inside of the scrotal canal and repair the varicose veins.
  • Skin embolization: It is a procedure that is not as commonly performed as surgery. But it also has a very high success rate. Your doctor will insert a tube called a catheter or probe into a vein in your neck or groin. A small spiral-shaped tool is delivered to the area where the mass is. Caused by varicose veins This blocks the affected vein and redirects blood flow to the healthy vein for complete repair of the condition.
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However Surgery is recommended. In cases where varicose veins cause pain or infertility This treatment can cause side effects as well. Their appearance is rare. But one of them is:

  • arterial damage
  • Infection
  • Possibility of atrophy of one of the testicles.
  • blood clot formation
  • Inflammation of the testicles due to fluid buildup in the surrounding area. This is a condition called hydrocele.
  • Reappearance of the varicocele after resolution by intervention

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