Estrogen and menopause – Bekia Health| healthcareonline

Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics. What is the relationship with menopause?

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Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics. They are mostly women. and produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands above all else They are responsible for breast growth. menstruation and hip growth So that if this is the case It will be able to support the growth of a new human being.

When a woman begins to experience the common symptoms of menopause She should see a doctor.

Estrogen production remains more or less constant until a woman enters menopause or develops an illness that causes estrogen production to decrease significantly. In this case, we will focus on changes. The implication is a decrease in estrogen in a woman’s body as she enters menopause.

Menopause is a time in a woman’s life when no problems arise. happened before She stops menstruating. Because of this, the woman loses her fertility. And there is no longer the possibility of having children naturally. This usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. And it is considered completely normal.

Estrogen and menopause

The presence or absence of normal levels of estrogen is important for many aspects of a woman’s life. Therefore, When these levels decrease during menopause It is women who suffer the consequences.Moreover, The main cause of the effects of menopause is decreased estrogen levels. Some of the consequences are:

1. Menstruation becomes less and less until it disappears.. The ovaries begin to be produced in smaller quantities. So the thing that made menstruation earlier disappears. This results in women losing their fertility by not producing eggs for fertilization.

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2. Hot flashes almost always at the beginning. These are caused by an imbalance in body temperature that causes a sudden drop or increase in temperature. It has a low level of association with the ovaries. Caused by decreased estrogen

3. Can’t sleepWhether due to the effects of decreased estrogen, such as stress, or from other symptoms, such as hot flashes, women can experience insomnia during menopause. These sleep problems will go away as our bodies adjust to this new situation.

4. Low sexual libido One function of estrogen is to maintain some of the sexual desire women have. So when they started going down It is possible that her sex life may have been harmed.Although there are hormones that can be replaced But it must be taken into account that libido can be damaged.


When a woman begins to experience the common symptoms of menopause She should see a doctor if necessary. Hormone therapy is given to help alleviate the effects of decreased estrogen. that occur during this period of your life This is not indicated for women who have been suffering from changes in their body for some time. Because the process is very advanced.

It is very important for women to have regular sexual activity.It is very important for women to have regular sexual activity.

It is possible that living a healthy lifestyle helps make the effects less significant. For example, Playing sports will make our body in better condition. This will make our body stronger. It is also necessary to get the most balanced diet possible. So that nutrients can meet all our needs.

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As for gender, it should be noted that It is very important for women to have regular sexual activity..When this does not decrease It’s also rare for libido to drop so much that it becomes important to focus on. Sexual desire disappears in women who do not have regular sex. Because your body is not familiar with it, you do not look for other hormones to treat it.

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