Why do cells become cancerous?| healthcareonline

You may be wondering why cells become cancerous…why do these abnormalities occur in cells?

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Normal cells and cancer cells have many differences. What’s also notable is how many “checkpoints” must be missed for a cell to become cancerous. For cells to become cancerous Several factors must occur:

  • Cells must have growth factors that stimulate them to grow, even though they don’t necessarily grow.
  • They tend to evade proteins that cause cells to stop growing and die when abnormal.
  • Cells avoid signals from other cells.
  • Cells lose the normal “adhesions” (adhesion molecules) that normal cells make.

In general, it is very rare for normal cells to become cancerous. This may seem surprising considering that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer in their lifetime. The explanation is that in the normal body About three billion cells divide every day. Any “accidents” in cell reproduction caused by genetics or environmental carcinogens during division can create cells that After additional mutations It may become cancer cells.

In general, It is very rare for normal cells to become cancerous.

Benign and malignant tumors

There are many differences in cancer cells and normal cells that make up benign or malignant tumors. There are also ways in which tumors containing cancer cells or normal cells behave differently in the body. It is possible that there is a hierarchy of cancer cells with different functions. But it is still not known for sure. It is not yet fully understood how cancer cells can remain hidden for years or decades and then reappear.

See also  Difference Between Benign Tumors and Malignant Tumors | health care online

Some consider the “generals” in the hierarchy of cancer cells to be called cancer stem cells. They may be more resistant to treatment. and has the ability to remain dormant When other military cancer cells Killed by treatments such as chemotherapy. Even though today we treat all cancer cells in a tumor the same Future treatments are likely to take into account some of the differences in cancer cells in each type of tumor.

It is important to realize that cancer is not a single disease.It is important to realize that cancer is not a single disease.

There is still no cure for cancer.

Many people are frustrated and wonder why we haven’t found a way to stop all cancers. Understanding the many changes that cells undergo in the process of becoming cancer cells may help explain some of this complexity. Not just one step But there are many steps. This is being addressed in various ways.

Additionally, it is important to realize that cancer is not a single disease. But it’s hundreds of different diseases. And even two cancers that are similar in type and stage can behave very differently in different people. If there are 200 people in a room with the same type and stage of cancer. They will have 200 different types of cancer from a molecular perspective.

However, it will be helpful to know that as you learn more about what makes cancer cells cancerous. You will learn more about how to stop that cell from reproducing. and may even become transformed into cancer cells instead. In the early stages, there has already been progress in this area. This is because targeted treatments are being developed that discriminate between cancer cells and normal cells in their mechanisms. There have also been advances in immunotherapy to stimulate the body’s defenses to find cancer cells and kill them. Discovering how cancer cells “mask” themselves and hide has led to better treatments. And in some rare cases Complete relief for some people with more severe priapism.

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