Which activities are most at risk of contracting coronavirus? | health care online

It is important that people remain aware that the virus still exists.

The latest data confirms that infections are on the rise across Spain, so the country may be moving closer to the feared second wave being planned by the authorities. Today the area is most affected. They are Catalonia and Aragon. This is despite the fact that there are other communities where the number of infected people is increasing.

For this reason, health authorities never tire of reminding that it is very important and important to continue preventive measures. Such as washing hands frequently and wearing a mask.Next we will talk with you about activities that will facilitate contact and what can be done to reduce the risk as much as possible.

Meeting with family and friends

Family gatherings and gatherings of friends have become the main cause of infection today.Most of the outbreaks in Spain have been caused by large gatherings of people at birthdays, weddings or family reunions.

Family gatherings and gatherings of friends have become the main cause of infection today.

Prolonged confinement has forced many people to stay with family and friends in order to spend time with them. In this type of meeting, preventive measures have not been followed as they should. causing large outbreaks in some populations.


The celebration takes place during daytime and is one of the high-risk activities for contracting the virus. We must not forget that Covid-19 is hidden and we cannot forget to wear a mask or Maintain good hand hygiene.

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Unfortunately, for many people, seeing their loved ones or those close to them is more important than taking certain measures. The key to avoiding such outbreaks It lies in conscience and knowing that no one can let their guard down..


Information indicates that today There has been a sharp increase in infections among the youngest people.. This is because the focus is on places such as nightclubs or the streets.

Contact can be avoided only if the preventive measures adopted by the authorities are followed to the letter.Contact can be avoided only if the preventive measures adopted by the authorities are followed to the letter.

So nightlife is a problem. This is because many young people have not taken any measures. with a high risk of affecting both young people and the rest of the population. Unfortunately, Mask wearing and hygiene rarely occur at night. And that is something that needs to be controlled as soon as possible. Alcohol is behind this relaxation.This is because the younger population only thinks about having a good time without considering that they are completely at risk of infection.

The importance of preventive measures

Contact can be avoided if the preventive measures taken by the authorities are followed to the letter:

  • It is essential to maintain a safe distance. Even among friends or family.Contact is much easier when there are many people not keeping a safe distance.
  • The use of face masks is completely mandatory in both public and enclosed spaces. Remember that you can remove it only when eating and drinking. The increasing outbreak problem is due to the fact that most people trust and Forgot to use the mask.
  • We must always remember hand hygiene. It is important to avoid potential risks of infection..
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It is important that people remain aware that the virus still exists and unfortunately. It will take some time until there is no risk of infection..

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