What tips must be followed for hair growth?

Research has found that there is a genetic influence on hair growth. Everything from hair volume to length, color and texture is genetic. Know how genes affect hair loss and hair growth. (Genes affect hair growth)

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This is generally seen if one of the parents has curly hair. The child’s hair also appears to be affected. In addition, if hair loss continues, it is also related to genes. From research by the National Library of Medicine The androgen receptor protein gene is called a genetic gene. Helps hair get protein. Testosterone circulates throughout the body with the help of androgens. Everything depends on it: from hair texture to volume. Due to genetics While the process of hair loss begins in some people as early as age 20, some women experience this problem during menopause. Know how genes affect hair loss and hair growth. (Genes affect hair growth)

In this regard, dermatologist Dr. Akanksha Sanghvi said that hair loss in its initial stages can be controlled with medicines. This prevents the action of androgen blocking. These medicines can help to gradually control the thinning and shortening of hair follicles. and prevent baldness

What is the role of genes in hair growth?
Testosterone circulates throughout the body with the help of androgens. Everything depends on it, from hair texture to volume. Adobe stock photo.

Genetic influence on hair growth

According to experts, Women often experience crown hair loss after age 40 to 50 if genes from both parents are passed on to their children. It can cause patterned hair loss and a condition called androgenetic alopecia. Because of this, the hair follicles are affected. and will start to thin out

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According to the National Institutes of Health It has been found that there is a genetic influence on hair growth. Everything from hair volume to length, color and texture is genetic. There are three genetic disorders that affect hair growth.

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dysmorphic syndrome
Gene fault corrector
single major gene disorder

Research has found that genes play an important role in every part of the body, including the nose, jawline, and height of the face. According to research, everything from genetic factors to hair color, texture, and size of hair follicles is normal. Additionally, although hair length is related to genetics to a certain extent, But some effects can be seen in hair care habits as well.

Know which tips to follow for hair growth.

1. Make protein part of your meal.

Include protein-rich foods in the diet. It strengthens the hair and improves its texture too. The problem of hair loss can be solved by strengthening the hair follicles. For this, add eggs, fish, meat, cheese, and tofu to your diet.

How does protein help with hair growth?
Include protein-rich foods in the diet. It strengthens the hair and improves its texture as well. Photo: Shutterstock

2. Have a healthy lifestyle

Start your day with exercise and be stress-free. In addition, you should eat regularly and get enough sleep. This will benefit your overall health and hair health.

3. Pampering

Apply natural oil to the roots of the hair. Helps eliminate hair dryness and increases hair volume. It can also control hair loss problems.

4. Avoid hair treatments.

From coloring your hair to using heating devices. All types of treatments cause damage to the hair. To make the hair strong Remain natural

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