Egg Allergy – Bekia Health| healthcareonline

We conduct a thorough analysis of egg allergy: its symptoms, why, how is the diagnosis made? And what happens to our bodies?

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Eggs are highly nutritious due to their high protein content. Provides all the essential amino acids the body needs for good nutrition. Contains vitamins AB and D and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Eggs are found in many foods that we consume every day. : In baked goods, bread, pasta, sausages, ice cream, candies, jelly, cheese, custard, sauces, margarine, soups, in coffee in some cafeterias. and certain types of alcoholic beverages, such as wine or beer But not only that, we also found in many types of cosmetics that we usually use (soap, shampoo, cream, etc.) and even in some medicines. But what happens if you have allergies?

What happens in our body

Egg allergy is a reaction our body produces when we eat eggs or come in contact with eggs. Our body produces antibodies. Immunoglobulin E (IgE)which attacks allergens that cause adverse reactions

Why do egg allergies occur?

When touching food for the first time Our body will have more allergic reactions. It is also a widely consumed food because it is cheap and very useful in many other foods and products. The substance in eggs that causes the most allergic reactions is albumin, which is found in egg whites.This is despite the fact that 24 proteins have been detected in the white paint that can cause allergic reactions. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to certain proteins in the yolk. Albumin is also found in most bird eggs. Therefore, allergies appear not only to chicken eggs. This is often the most commonly consumed type of egg.

This allergy is common in children.

Signs and symptoms of allergies

Symptoms of egg allergy Just like any other allergic reaction. They can range from mild to more severe symptoms. which is dangerous to life They usually appear in the first hour after ingesting the egg. The most common symptoms are:

  • Skin symptoms: Hives, eczema, redness, swelling of the lips, eyelids and cheekbones, atopic dermatitis, nasal irritation, watery eyes.
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms: Stomach or abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, itching around the mouth.
  • Respiratory symptoms: Not often, but may include sneezing, runny nose, conjunctivitis, coughing, and voice changes. Wheezing, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, asthma, low blood pressure, dizziness
  • Neurological symptoms: Migraines and sleep problems
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In serious cases Anaphylaxis may occur. which is dangerous to that person’s life It is a condition that begins and progresses rapidly, affecting two or more organs. We talk about allergic shock When the circulatory system is impaired (fainting, loss of consciousness, weak pulse, irregular heartbeat and drop in blood pressure), this condition requires immediate and urgent medical attention. Which puts us at risk of death. In these cases An appropriate amount of adrenaline must be injected immediately. In more severe cases Our regular doctor can prescribe epinephrine injections. (or adrenaline) automatically according to the recommended dosage based on the age, weight, and characteristics of the allergic person. and risk assessment They must be worn at all times and doctors must teach both the allergy sufferer and those around them. To recognize symptoms and how to give medicine

At what age do egg allergies occur most often?

Allergy to eggs is Food allergies are most common in children between the ages of 1 and 2, although they generally disappear around the age of 5 or 6.. In some cases, this allergy can be chronic. It also develops during the first consumption of eggs. This is usually in the first year of a child’s life. The presence of adults is rare, although it cannot be ruled out.

Suffering from atopic dermatitis Having a family member allergic to eggs or allergic to certain types of food It is considered a risk factor that increases the probability of developing this type of allergy.

Allergy testWe should get allergy testing every year to see the evolution.

The prevalence of this type of allergy ranges from 0.5% to 2.7% of the pediatric population.It has also been found that tolerance to cooked eggs is greater than raw or other methods of cooking. In this respect, children with egg allergies can eat cooked eggs without showing symptoms of allergy. Even if you are allergic to eggs


To diagnose the existence of egg allergy The doctor will conduct a complete allergy study consisting of various tests. Patient’s medical history Skin testing with raw food Serological tests (specific IgE in the blood) and exposure tests (egg ingestion) will be carefully monitored. These tests must be performed under controlled conditions. This is because we do not know the reactions that people with allergies may have. In addition, these tests should be performed annually to observe the evolution of allergies.

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The indicated treatment is complete restriction of the food causing the allergic reaction.

To avoid negative effects from eating eggs We must avoid eating eggs and all foods that contain eggs. If ingestion occurs The damage caused must be treated.

If you have an egg allergy, you should read food labels carefully and avoid anything that contains: lecithin (except soy), lysozyme, albumin, coagulants, emulsifiers, Lifetin, Vi. Tellin Excipient E-161

In the same way you can Replace eggs with other similar high protein foods. and achieve a healthy and balanced diet.

People with food allergies are advised to carry a bracelet or tag that indicates the type and level of allergy. To prevent a reaction This is especially true for children who may not be aware of the true damage or may not care much about it.

It is also important to know that some of the most common vaccines, such as the flu vaccine, Triviral vaccine (measles, rubella, mumps, yellow fever, and some presentations of hepatitis A When grown in chicken embryos, they may contain small amounts of egg protein. Although generally tolerated by people with allergies, But it is important that medical professionals are aware of the existence of this allergy.

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