Difference Between Pandemic and Epidemic | health care online

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced a few days ago that the disease caused by the COVID-19 virus It is considered a major epidemic.At first, this word can be startling to many people because it can remind us of other diseases. that kill many people, such as the flu or epidemics, which happened a few years ago

However, society has advanced a lot. And the epidemic is not as dangerous as it was several years ago. This has greatly reduced hygiene measures and ignorance about many viruses. Today, luckily, there are appropriate measures. Pandemics like the coronavirus can be controlled..

Are all epidemics serious?

First of all, we must start by saying that a pandemic is simply the spread of a new disease across the world. On the contrary An epidemic refers to when a disease affects different areas of the world.

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced a few days ago that the disease caused by COVID-19 It is considered a major epidemic.

Therefore, the main difference between epidemic and pandemic is the radius of action of the incidence. The severity depends on the disease in question.

How to deal with the epidemic

The most effective way to stop the spread is to use various quarantine measures. in infected countries Such as closing schools, restaurants or banning meetings with more than 1,000 people..

This measure is necessary to prevent the virus from spreading to a large population over time. Many people may think that such measures are a bit overblown. This is because the deadly effects of this virus are not comparable to other types. that are more deadly, such as Ebola, however, as you can see below These are necessary to prevent the virus from spreading quickly throughout the population..

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Why are these measures taken?

The above measures are taken due to the following reasons or causes:

COVID-19 is a type of coronavirus that spreads very easily and quickly. Compared to the famous flu The coronavirus has a much higher rate of transmission..

These measures to control the epidemic are necessary to avoid saturating the health system.These measures to control the epidemic are necessary to avoid saturating the health system.

These measures to control the epidemic are necessary to avoid saturating the health system.If such quarantine measures are not taken Infections will increase and hospitals will be overwhelmed due to infected people. Patients cannot be treated as they should and in the end there will be more deaths than there are currently.

Coronavirus is a virus. And currently, no one knows what its evolution will be like.. No one knows the information yet. Therefore, there is no choice but to take these quarantine measures and prevent it from spreading rapidly. Perhaps a person who recovers from such a virus can become infected with the same virus within a few months.

For all these reasons The best thing the population can do is listen to the government and health authorities to prevent the famous virus from spreading to the majority of the population and It ended up infecting and killing many people.

As you can see, Pandemic is not something to be afraid of. Because things really need to stop. is the disease itself As is the case with COVID-19, unfortunately there were no adequate and timely measures when the virus started in the Chinese city of Wuhan. and what can be considered an ordinary epidemic It spread to other parts of the world, causing famous epidemics..

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