How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) affect the body? | health care online

Although there is still a lack of information But we can understand that COVID-19 How does it affect the human body?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection cases continue to increase around the world.Both the infected and the deceased Governments of individual countries have made desperate decisions to try and stop the health and social chaos caused by the pandemic. There is still a lot of confusion. And the measures taken today may change tomorrow.

There is still a lot of confusion about the symptoms the virus causes in the human body. Although there are three things that everyone knows: Fever, cough, difficulty breathingBelow we will tell you how the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is known. And how does it affect the body? Although research will be conducted in the future. But you can know more information.

How does it cause infection?

The virus spreads through droplets that move in the air as a result of coughing or sneezing. Therefore, people around you can become infected because the virus can enter the body. Through the nose, mouth, or eyesThe virus particles in these droplets travel quickly to the back of the nasal passages and to the mucous membrane at the back of the throat. By binding to specific receptors on the cell. Starting from there

The virus spreads through droplets that move through the air from a cough or sneeze.

Coronavirus particles have protein spikes that protrude from their surface. And these spikes attach to cell membranes. allowing the genetic material of the virus to enter human cells.

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Interrupts the metabolic process of cells and does not allow it to work as intended and forces it to multiply the virus in the human body.

respiratory problems

When copies of the virus are created They explode and infect neighboring cells.. Symptoms usually start in the back of the throat. And that is why one of the most common symptoms is a dry cough. The virus then crawls through the bronchial tubes and reaches the lungs. Causes inflammation of membranes and mucous membranes. This can damage the alveoli, or lung sacs. And it must work harder to deliver oxygen to the blood and remove carbon dioxide so it can be exhaled.

If there is inflammation, it makes it more difficult for oxygen to travel.Swelling and impaired oxygen flow can cause those areas in the lungs to fill with fluid, pus, and dead cells. Pneumonia, a lung infection, can occur. Some infected people have had so much trouble breathing that they need a ventilator.

Infection can spread through mucous membranes.Infection can spread through mucous membranes.

When acute breathing difficulties occur The lungs become so filled with fluid that they cannot support large amounts of breathing. and the patient died.

Are the lungs the only part of the body affected?

Infection can spread through mucous membranes. and spread from the nose to the anus So even though the lungs are in the lungs It can also infect the gastrointestinal tract. This causes problems such as diarrhea or vomiting..

Viruses can come in. Inflammation in the bloodstream, bone marrow, and organs such as the liver can also occur.There may also be inflammation in small blood vessels. It can also enter organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver and may cause direct damage to those organs. It is not yet known whether it will affect the brain or not.

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Why do some people become seriously ill and others not?

80% of those infected have mild symptoms, but about 20% become seriously ill and 2% die. The severity of the disease depends on the strength of the affected person’s immune system.. Elderly people or people with existing health problems may experience more severe symptoms.

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