Potato milk Jaanein ke fayde- Know the benefits of potato milk.

same as milk Potato milk is also rich in calcium, which helps strengthen bones. Know the benefits of potato milk and how to prepare it. (Benefits and tips for preparing potato milk)

Due to lactose intolerance and daily weight gain. People are therefore turning to eating foods that are mainly plant-based. People often choose cashew milk, almond milk, and coconut milk as nutritionally-rich alternatives to non-dairy products. But there is one name on this list. which is not only good for health But it’s also pocket-friendly. In fact, potato milk has become the first choice of vegans these days. Rich in bioactive compounds, potato milk provides nutrition to the body without disease. same as milk Potato milk is also rich in calcium, which helps strengthen bones. Know the benefits of potato milk and how to prepare it. (Benefits and tips for preparing potato milk)

According to NIH research, 66.6 percent of people in India are victims of lactose intolerance. Populations in southern India in particular face difficulty digesting milk. According to Science Direct, plant-based milk has been chosen as an alternative to cow’s milk. The bioactive compounds and nutrients found in it help in maintaining a healthy body.

Potato milk is gluten-free.

Talking about this, nutritionist Nupur Patil said that people who get their energy from milk, soya and cashew nuts. They choose plant-based milk instead. Condensed milk prepared from potatoes is prepared from flour. In addition to calcium, vitamin D, B12 and folic acid are also found in potato milk.

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There is no risk of allergic reaction in the body from this gluten-free milk. Besides drinking, it is also used in tea, coffee, and oatmeal. Potato milk, which is rich in vitamins and minerals It can be consumed by adding vanilla or other flavors according to taste. Milk prepared by boiling potatoes improves the intestinal health of the body.

Know the benefits of potato milk.
In addition to calcium, vitamin D, B12 and folic acid are also found in potato milk. Adobe stock photo.

Know the benefits of potato milk

1. Useful in losing weight

Consumption of potato milk reduces the amount of calories in the body compared to dairy products. This helps solve the problem of weight gain and provides the body with nutrients such as riboflavin and folic acid. The nutritional value found in it helps in strengthening the body. According to experts, potato milk is more nutritious than cow’s milk. The body gets 68 calories from consuming 100 ml of cow’s milk, while consuming potato milk provides 39 calories.

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2. Prevent allergies

Potato milk is completely gluten-free. There is no risk of allergic reaction to gluten in the body if ingested. Helps relieve symptoms of gastrointestinal disease and lactose intolerance. Regular consumption keeps the body healthy and fit. With the help of available nutrients The body remains protected from various diseases. This milk is very effective for vegans.

3. Make bones strong

As the experts say Potato milk keeps both the body and mind healthy. It is used in many dishes due to its creamy texture and wonderful taste. The amount of calcium it contains helps keep bones strong. Vitamin C and potassium found in potato milk provide both nutrients and energy to the body. Since it is unadulterated, the body receives proper nutrition.

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4. Maintain intestinal health

Potato milk is very effective in solving digestive problems. The amount of fiber found in it helps maintain proper intestinal health. Consumption relieves indigestion, bloating, acidity and burning sensation in the body. The digestive enzymes contained in it strengthen the digestive system and bowel movements remain normal.

Let's get to know how to make potato milk.
Potato milk is very effective in solving digestive problems. The amount of fiber found in it helps maintain proper intestinal health. Adobe stock photo.

Prepare potato milk like this.

so that we want
1/2 cup chopped potatoes
4 cups water
2 spoons chopped almonds
3 spoons of honey
1 pinch salt
Vanilla scent as desired

First, wash the potatoes and continue boiling.

Now mash the potatoes after separating the water and prepare a smooth mixture by adding water.

Add honey, salt, vanilla essence and chopped almonds to the prepared mixture and mix. After the mixture is ready, use a muslin cloth.

After taking the muslin cloth or cheese cloth Put the ingredients in and filter. Take out the milk in a glass.

If desired, you can drink it either cold or hot.

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