Why are some people’s bodies always cool? Why are some people’s bodies always cold?

These 5 symptoms can be responsible for your body getting a cold, don’t ignore them.

There will always be many of us who are physically cold. There are many health conditions that cause the body to cool down. These should not be ignored as they can be signs of a number of serious health conditions. Has this happened to you too? If yes! So you need to pay attention to this. Let us know about some health conditions that cause the body to cool down.

These 5 reasons can be responsible for a body that stays cool.

1. Anemia may occur.

Anemia occurs when your system cannot make enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. Due to lack of blood supply, the body may face many problems. In the case of anemia Cold body and feeling cold are two common symptoms. In this condition, symptoms include fatigue, yellowing of the skin, irregular heartbeat, etc.

Due to lack of blood supply, the body may face many problems.
Due to lack of blood supply, the body may face many problems. Image- Adobe Stock

2. It is a sign of hypothyroidism.

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. Helps regulate your metabolism This is a type of chemical reaction that nourishes the body. If this gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone Or your body can’t process that hormone effectively. You may become hypothyroid.

In this state, we feel more cold. And the body will also cool down. When talking about other symptoms of hypothyroidism. Symptoms include hair loss, dry skin, fatigue, irregular or heavy periods, constipation, and weight gain.

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3. You may have diabetes.

Kidney damage caused by diabetes is called diabetic nephropathy. in diabetic kidney disease Coolness of the body and feeling cold are two very common conditions. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, itching, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, confusion, swelling of the face, feet or hands can also be seen in this condition.

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4. Signs of anorexia

This is a type of eating disorder. People with anorexia can become dangerously thin because they worry too much about gaining weight. In this situation Feeling cold and starting to freeze is a common symptom of anorexia. In this condition, you may lose 15% or more of your normal body weight for your height. Additionally, menstruation may disappear for 3 to 4 months.

Feeling cold and chilly is one of the common symptoms of anorexia.
Feeling cold and chilly is one of the common symptoms of anorexia. Photo-Shutterstock

5. Blood vessel problems

If your hands, feet, and soles are still cool Or do you still feel cold in these places? It may be a sign of a blood vessel disorder. In this condition, the blood vessels in your hands and legs become narrowed. As a result, blood does not reach these organs in adequate quantities. In the case of blood vessel abnormalities Blood clots may form. Additionally, blood vessels will become narrower. Meanwhile, the arteries leading to the finger become narrowed.

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