What you should know about perimenopause or perimenopause | health care online

Perimenopause can occur between 2 and 10 years before menopause. But what else should you know?

Perimenopause or perimenopause is the same: a woman prepares for the arrival of menopause. It is the time before a woman enters menopause and can occur between 2 and 10 years before menopause. Premenopausal symptoms can vary from woman to woman. But it’s a good idea to know what this is and what you should expect.

changes in your body

Common symptoms of perimenopause or perimenopause can include changes in a woman’s menstrual flow. Increased premenstrual symptoms Irregular sleep, increased acne, irritability, mood swings, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, and night sweats.

In order to cope with symptoms better It is necessary to make lifestyle changes and promote calmness and relaxation. Positive thinking, meditation, and yoga can also help you better control your mood swings.

Even if you feel terrible, you can talk to your doctor.

Just because you’re going through perimenopause doesn’t mean you should have emotional problems.

Mental health

Just because you’re going through perimenopause doesn’t mean you should have emotional problems. There are many women who, after passing through this stage of life, will have good mental health.

They can also enjoy their inner balance more with life experiences.

What you have to remember is that during this time of hormonal changes, bad moods and irritability may occur from time to time. But it’s temporary and you shouldn’t worry. Just remember some strategies for regulating your mind, emotions, like breathing mindfully.

There may be other external factors. That makes women feel emotionally unbalanced. There may be other external factors. That makes women feel emotionally unbalanced.

There may also be other external factors. that make women feel emotionally unbalanced, such as

Depression, divorce, loss of a loved one. Lack of social support, unemployment, etc.

See also  Factors that may cause menopause | health care online

Do you need to see a doctor?

If you are over 40 and think you are entering perimenopause and are having a difficult time navigating life. Don’t feel bad if you think it’s best to discuss it with your doctor. Your doctor can help and guide you in relieving any worries or concerns you may have. Remember, you are not alone.

There are millions of women out there who are going through experiences similar to yours.

Even if you deem it necessary You can also look for support groups to start conversations with women who feel like you right now. And look for strategies for dealing with what is happening to you.

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