How to know if you are lactose intolerant?| healthcareonline

Many people are lactose intolerant and don’t know this. It is very important to know this to avoid the need for health problems.

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What is lactose intolerance?

In a situation that has become the daily life of many people Since it was discovered More and more people complained about this disease In fact, It is believed that 70% of the current adult population has some type of lactose problem.Even though not everyone will be aware of it. And even dairy products are healthy foods that contain many nutrients. But it is difficult for adults to process. When we were born We all have lactase levels that are good for processing milk.

When we grow up The concentration of this enzyme decreases because, over time, we presumably obtain calcium from other foods. However, its delicious taste means that it is still eaten even in old age. It is also seen that there is Regions where the population is more likely to be lactase deficient For example, people who have a tradition of raising livestock (And it’s okay to include milk as another form of food in your daily diet.) A smaller percentage of people are lactose intolerant. We are talking about the countries of northern and central Europe. In the Southern Hemisphere, 80% of people do not tolerate lactose well.

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How to know if you are lactose intolerant?

Dairy products, although they are a healthy food that contain many nutrients, But it is difficult for adults to process.

The main problem is that there are people who don’t know if they really have the ability to manage those symptoms. This may be because they are familiar with the symptoms and do not relate to the disorder. Want to know if you are one of them?

We say when a person suffers from lactose intolerance. After eating dairy products (Or products that contain a small amount of dairy.) You have many symptoms because your body doesn’t make an enzyme called “lactase.” And it’s basically responsible for destroying a type of sugar that’s contained in milk called lactose. As a result, the intestines produce insufficient amounts of lactase. Inability to absorb lactose effectively and reaches the large intestine without being broken down, that is, reaches the large intestine, lactose Start fermentingIn order to come into contact with existing bacteria and A series of initial reactions that cause symptoms such as pain, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, and even colic.

Am I lactose intolerant?

There are several ways to check. However, you have to take the first test yourself. If after eating products of dairy origin You have the following symptoms You should see your doctor for a better diagnosis:

-stomach ache.

-Colic symptoms or blisters

– Feeling of heaviness in the stomach

-Constipation or vice versa, diarrhea Diarrhea is often acidic.

-Nausea or/and vomiting

-Bloating and cramping

– Bloating and swelling

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These symptoms do not occur immediately. It usually occurs between half an hour and two hours after eating dairy products.This is because it is the average time it takes food to travel down to the large intestine. There are also other symptoms. Although it may seem unrelated, it is actually caused by changes in the intestinal mucosa.

– Irritating to the skin

– Fatigue and tiredness

– Pain in arms and legs

– Sleep problems

– Changes in concentration and memory

Different types of allergies

There are different degrees of lactose intolerance. It depends on the amount of lactose a person can tolerate and the associated symptoms.

– Low allergies: An individual can tolerate an average of 10-11 grams of lactose per dose.

– Moderate allergy: The supported amount is approximately 7 grams.

-Hypoallergenic: Just 2 or 3 grams and symptoms are already noticeable.

The level of possession is important to know in order to get Start treating it in the song first, you shouldn’t miss it. If so The intestinal wall becomes more irritated. And allergies increase over time. That is, if it is not avoided in time. Even low-level allergies can turn into high-level symptoms.

medical tests

If you suspect you are lactose intolerant You should see your doctor or gastroenterologist for a complete health check. He doesn’t just perform medical tests. But he will also advise you on the types of food you can eat and in the right quantities. So that you don’t feel uncomfortable.

There are different levels of lactose intolerance.

1) Hydrogen breath test

The person will be asked to drink 2 or 3 tablespoons of an aqueous solution that dissolves lactose. Wait a quarter of an hour then. The amount of hydrogen expelled orally in the breath is checked by blowing into the airbag..Then it was taken to a laboratory and the hydrogen concentration in the bag was analyzed. If hydrogen is found in your breath That’s because bacteria in the large intestine can access lactose. (that are not absorbed) and used as food By expelling hydrogen as waste.

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2) Blood test

The patient will have blood drawn to test their baseline blood sugar level. which is normal blood sugar level next The patient drinks 4-5 tablespoons of lactose-dissolving solution..after an hour has passed Another blood sample will be taken to check blood sugar levels. Lactose is not absorbed without the enzyme lactase, so if it is, it will not be absorbed through the small intestinal wall into the bloodstream. and will not cause blood sugar levels to increase, that is, If blood sugar levels do not change It may be because you are intolerant to glucose.

3) Genetic testing

Recent discoveries related to glucose intolerance have discovered that there is a relationship between this condition and changes in in the MCM6 gene So one way to find out is through genetic studies of the patient.

4) Intestinal biopsy

Another way to find out is by biopsying the patient. For this matter, it will be recommended. A small camera is inserted through the mouth or nostril into the digestive tract. There, a sample of the intestinal mucosa will be taken and observed in a laboratory for the presence of enzymes.

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