What to do when a 2 month old baby has a cough? | health care online

Children under 4 months of age don’t cough much. Unless it is a serious problem or illness.

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Coughing is a natural way for people of all ages to clear mucus, mucus, and other fluids from the throat, lungs, and nasal passages. However, children under 4 months of age don’t cough much. Unless it is a serious problem or illness. Therefore, it is vital to understand why this happens and what you can do about it.

In this sense, if you have a child younger than 4 months, say two months, and you notice that he has started coughing excessively. Don’t let it go or wait for it to go away on its own. The reason may be that it is best to see a pediatrician as soon as possible so that he or she can assess what is going on with your baby and find the appropriate treatment in your specific case.

Identify the cause

Evaluate your baby’s condition to determine the cause of the cough. Coughing along with sneezing, low-grade fever, itchy eyes, and runny nose Sometimes it indicates the flu. If the cough does not subside and is accompanied by mucus flowing out There is a high chance that your baby will suffer from allergies or asthma.

The reason may be a reason to see a pediatrician as soon as possible.

Your baby may have respiratory syncytial virus if the cough worsens over time or is accompanied by difficulty breathing. If your cough sounds like the sound of pounding tree bark and tends to be worse at night Then see a doctor as soon as possible.

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Relieve symptoms

Squeeze 2-3 drops of saline into your baby’s nose. Then suck out the mucus with a syringe. This will help relieve the cough by thinning the mucus that is stuck. and remove it from the nose and throat.

Raise the bassinet by rolling up a towel and placing it under the head of the baby’s mattress. One way or another Put your baby to sleep in a car seat or swing to prevent liquids from sliding down their throat and causing a cough. Give your baby a warm bath to soothe and moisturize the airways.

See a pediatrician immediately if your baby has a cough with difficulty breathing.See a pediatrician immediately if your baby has a cough with difficulty breathing.

These tips are ideal for relieving your child’s cough. But if you see that there is no method that can relieve your child’s cough, Visit your pediatrician to explain that you have tried all of these methods. And his cough is still the same? In case of worsening of symptoms Tell him he’s getting worse.

When to Call an Emergency Pediatrician

See your pediatrician immediately if your baby is accompanied by a cough. Difficulty breathing, fever, rapid breathing, extreme irritability, noisy or musical breathing or wheezing Call emergency services if your baby starts coughing up blood. Showing signs of dehydration or has dark or bluish color on his or her tongue, face, or lips. These symptoms could be signs of complications or serious illness, such as pneumonia or whooping cough.

Can it be prevented?

Because lack of sleep will weaken the body’s immune system. And it puts your child at greater risk of illness. You need to make sure that your baby sleeps for around 18 hours every day.

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Put your baby down for frequent naps during the day and provide a calm, relaxing sleep environment before bed. Close the windows with curtains to block streetlights or moonlight and Listen to relaxing music or a white noise machine. Keep your home clean by disinfecting counters, door handles, and toys often with antibacterial wipes or bleach.

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